
About me

Hi there! My name is Dan Le and I recently graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of California, Santa Barbara. As a chemical engineering student, I have developed a strong attention to detail, analytical skills, and structured approach to problem-solving. I have gained extensive experience in computational physical chemistry and modeling of chemical reactions. Additionally, I possess an outgoing personality which allows me to easily communicate and collaborate with others.

I am eager to transition into the field of software engineering and explore my passion for problem-solving and analytical thinking. My goal is to apply my research skills to software testing and gain hands-on experience. I am confident that my experience as a chemical engineering student has prepared me with the necessary skills to excel in software. I am excited to explore this new career path and look forward to growing in the field of software engineering.


You can download my Resume as a PDF from my Google Drive.

Examples of my work

Implementing mpi4py for Computational Research

  • Poster presented at the research synopsium.
  • Presentation shared to fellow research peers.

Styrene Design Project

Static Website Portfolio

  • Static website here
  • Used Amazon S3 bucket to host a personal portfolio website showcasing projects and skills.


You can find examples of the described skills in the Examples of my work section.

Python fundamentals

  • can write simple functions and algorithms
  • know when to use for and while
  • able to comprehend easy codes

Parallel Processing

  • can work with MPI4py, a Python interface for MPI (Message Passing Interface)
  • familiar with common parallel programming concepts such as message passing, shared memory, synchronization, and parallel I/O.

Statistical Analysis

  • know how to use statistical tools to analyze data and identify patterns or trends
  • can work with data analysis libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib
  • familiar with machine learning algorithms for data analysis and prediction

Process Design

  • design and optimize chemical processes using software tools such as Aspen Plus or Hyspen
  • familiar with process flow diagrams, equipment design, and safety considerations
  • able to interpret data and communicate findings to non-technical stakeholders


Message Passing Interface for Python (mpi4py)

  • know how to integrate message passing for faster computations


  • able to set up and operate virtual machines


  • know how to use Kanban boards and track project progress


Coding Foundations
online courses by The Odin Project
A free open source coding curriculum

Design of Chemical Processes
in-person course at UCSB
Applications of chemical engineering principles to reactor and plant design. Conceptual design of chemical processes. Flowsheeting methods. Engineering cost principles and economic aspects.