
An OCaml PPX extension for type-driven generation of binary serializers and deserializers

Primary LanguageOCamlMIT LicenseMIT

[@@deriving binary_bytes] OCaml

An OCaml PPX extension for type-driven generation of binary serializers and deserializers

ppx_deriving_binary_bytes is a PPX syntax extension that generates binary serializers and deserializers from an OCaml type definitions.

The online API documentation is available.

Basic usage

ppx_deriving_binary_bytes is triggered by [@@deriving binary_bytes] annotation attached to a type declaration.

# #require "ppx_deriving_binary_bytes, ppx_deriving_binary_bytes.runtime" ;;
# open Ppx_deriving_binary_bytes_runtime.Std ;;
# type ty = ... [@deriving binary_bytes] ;;
val ty_of_binary_bytes : bytes -> int -> ty * int
val binary_bytes_of_ty : BytesBuffer.t -> ty -> unit

The deserializer ty_of_binary_bytes takes a bytes object and a position to start conversion, and returns a value of type ty and a position at the end of parsing. The serializer binary_bytes_of_ty appends a binary-encoded value of type ty to the end of a given buffer. It is possible to generate serialization functions by using [@@deriving of_binary_bytes], or deserializers by [@@deriving binary_bytes_of].

[%of_binary_bytes: (type-expression)] is an expression decodes a bytes into a value of (type-expression).

# let cs = Bytes.of_string "\x01\x00\x00\x00\x0a\x00" in
  [%of_binary_bytes: uint32le * uint16le] cs 0 ;;
- : (uint32 * uint16) * int = ((1l, 10), 6)

In addition, [%binary_bytes_of: (type-expression)] is an expression appends a value of (type-expression) to a buffer.

# let bb = BytesBuffer.create 10 ;;
# [%to_binary_bytes: uint32le * uint16le] bb (1l, 10) ;;
- : unit = ()
# Format.printf "%a@." Printer.pp_string_hex (BytesBuffer.contents bb) ;;
01 00 00 00 0a 00

Basic types

Integers and floating-point values

Type in ppx_deriving_binary_bytes OCaml type Size (bytes) Endian Description
char char 1 N/A
int8 int 1 N/A
uint8 int 1 N/A
int16be int 2 big
int16le int 2 little
uint16be int 2 big
uint16le int 2 little
int32be int32 4 big
int32le int32 4 little
int32bei int 4 big An int-version of uint32be
int32lei int 4 little An int-version of uint32le
int64be int64 8 big
int64le int64 8 little
int64bei int 8 big An int-version of uint64be
int64lei int 8 little An int-version of uint64le
float32be float 4 big IEEE754 32-bit floating point
float32le float 4 little IEEE754 32-bit floating point
float64be float 8 big IEEE754 64-bit floating point
float64le float 8 little IEEE754 64-bit floating point

Fixed-length formats

Type in ppx_deriving_binary OCaml type Description
(string [@length N]) string Fixed-length strings of N bytes
(bytes [@length N]) bytes Fixed-length bytes of N bytes
('a list [@length N]) 'a list Fixed-length lists of N elements
('a array [@length N]) 'a array Fixed-length arrays of N elements

Variable-length formats

Type in ppx_deriving_binary OCaml type Description
CString.t string Null-terminated strings
GreedyString.t string Strings greedily read until the end of input
'a PrefixedString.t string Strings that have prefix of type 'a
'a GreedyList.t 'a list Lists greedily read until the end of input
('a, 'b) PrefixedList.t 'a list Lists that have prefix of type 'a

The prefixed formats have a prefix, the number of elements in trailing data, at the head of data. For example, "Hello" of type uint16le PrefixedString.t is represented as follows:

HEX       05  00  48  65  6c  6c  6f
DATA      0x0050  H   e   l   l   o
SCHEMA    prefix  contents (len=5)


A tuple type (t1 * t2 * ... * tn) is represented as a binary sequence of t1, t2, ..., and tn. For example, ("ABCD", 0x1234, 0x5678) of type ((string [@length 4]) * uint16le * uint16le) is encoded as:

HEX       65  66  67  68    34  12    78  56
DATA      A   B   C   D     0x1234    0x5678
SCHEMA    string            uint16le  uint16le


The following record has the same schema as the above tuple:

type t = {
  format : (string [@length 4]);
  width  : uint16le;
  height : uint16le;
} [@@deriving binary_bytes]

Records support more rich functionality than tuples: during parsing a record, you can use values of fields that have already read, in [@of_binary_bytes fun ~field1 ~field2 ... cs i -> ...] annotation. In the following example, foo field is decoded if foo_exists is not zero, or foo is None otherwise.

type t = {
  foo_exists : uint8;
  foo : uint8 option
    [@of_binary_bytes fun ~foo_exists cs i ->
       if foo_exists = 0 then (None, i)
       else let x, j = uint8_of_binary cs i in (Some x, j)];
  baz : uint8;
} [@@deriving of_binary_bytes]

Note that you must write labelled arguments as the same as a field label syntactically. For instance, parse_foo has labelled arguments as follows, but a value of foo_exists is not passed:

let parse_foo ~foo_exists cs i = ...

type t = {
  foo_exists : uint8;
  foo : uint8 option [@of_binary parse_foo];
  baz : uint8;
} [@@deriving of_binary_bytes]

If you want to define a function out of [@of_binary_bytes], eta abstraction is neccesary like [@of_binary_bytes fun ~foo_exists -> parse_foo ~foo_exists].


Bitfields are records with annotated with [@@type: t]. The record type

type t = {
  red   : int [@length 5];
  green : int [@length 6];
  blue  : int [@length 5];
[@@type: uint16be]
[@@deriving binary_bytes]

is represented as a 16-bit integer like:

BIT       | 15 14 13 12 11 | 10  9  8  7  6  5 |  4  3  2  1  0 |
SCHEMA    | blue           | green             | red            |

You can explicitly specify a bit position with [@offset N].

A base type must be a type defined as int internally. Please use int32{be,le}i or int64{be,le}i instead of int32{be,le}, int64{be,le} for 32-bit or 64-bit integers.


Variants are represented as a pair of a tag and constructor arguments, e.g.,

type color =
  | No_color                     [@value 0x1111]
  | Gray of uint8                [@value 0x2222]
  | RGB of uint8 * uint8 * uint8 [@value 0x3333]
[@@tag_type: uint16le]
[@@deriving binary_bytes]
  • No_color is 11 11,
  • Gray 0x42 is 22 22 42, and
  • RGB (0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc) is 33 33 aa bb cc.

ppx_deriving_binary_bytes does not support GADTs.

Polymorphic variants

Polymorphic variants are almost the same as variants excluding the difference that you need to use [@tag_type: t] instead of [@@tag_type: t].

type t =
    | `A of uint32le
    | `B of
        | `BA of uint64le
        | `BB of char
      ] [@tag_type: uint32lei]
[@tag_type: uint16le]
[@@deriving binary_bytes]


Variants and polymorphic variants support [@else] annotation.

type t =
  | A
  | B
  | C of uint8 [@else]
[@@tag_type: uint16]
[@@deriving binary_bytes]

In the above example, A and B have tags 0x0000 and 0x0001 respectively, while C has no tag. C is used when a given bytes cannot be decoded into A or B.

# [%of_binary_bytes: t] (Bytes.of_string "\x00") ;;
- : t = A
# [%of_binary_bytes: t] (Bytes.of_string "\x01") ;;
- : t = B
# [%of_binary_bytes: t] (Bytes.of_string "\x02") ;;
- : t = C 2
# [%of_binary_bytes: t] (Bytes.of_string "\xff") ;;
- : t = C 255