
🛑 An async and lightweight C# library for interacting with the IOCLists.com API.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

IocLists 📝

An async and lightweight C# library for interacting with the IOCLists.com API.


This library provides an easy interface for interacting with the IOC Lists API. You can automate your IOC (Indicator of Compromise) management by automatically adding or removing indicators from lists.

To get started, import the library into your solution with either the NuGet Package Manager or the dotnet CLI.

dotnet add package IocLists

For the primary classes to become available, import the used namespace.

using IocLists;

An API key is required to interact with the API. Create your own key at: https://ioclists.com/r/settings

Need more examples? Under the Example directory you can find a working demo project that implements this library.


  • Built for .NET 8, .NET 7 and .NET 6
  • Fully async
  • Coverage of the current API
  • Extensive XML documentation
  • No external dependencies (makes use of built-in HttpClient and JsonSerializer)
  • Custom exceptions (IocListsException) for easy debugging
  • Example project to demonstrate all capabilities of the library


  • Create and download IOC lists
  • Add and delete entries
  • Search for existing indicators submitted by the community

Code Samples

Initializing a new API client

IocListsClient client = new("d7882f568163547fd5657586ee058f3a7945551745ce36c4bf706741e7907042");

Creating a new list

await client.CreateList("akac", "testing-list", "This is a list created using the C# IOC Lists library.");

Appending a new entry to a list

await client.Add("akac", "testing-list", "https://example[.]com -- Testing Indicator");

Get 20 recent entries in a list

Entry[] recent = await client.GetRecent("mirrors", "phishtank");

Download all unique entries in a list

string[] unique = await client.GetUnique("mirrors", "phishtank");

Search for indicators across the entire platform

Entry[] matches = await client.Search("");


This is a community-ran library. Not affiliated with detectdd.