
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A Leaflet plugin that visualizes heatmap facets from Solr 5.x

Using with Leaflet

// Create a SolrHeatmap layer and add it to the map
var solr = L.solrHeatmap('', {
  // Solr field with geospatial data (should be type Spatial Recursive Prefix Tree)
  field: 'loc_srpt',

  // Set type of visualization. Allowed types: 'geojsonGrid', 'clusters'
  // Note: 'clusters' requires LeafletMarkerClusterer
  type: 'geojsonGrid'
Option Type Default Description
field String null Required. Solr field with geospatial data (should be type Spatial Recursive Prefix Tree)
type String 'geojsonGrid' Type of visualization. Accepts geojsonGrid, clusters and heatmap
solrRequestHandler String 'select' Request handler for Solr
colors Array ['#f1eef6', '#d7b5d8', '#df65b0', '#dd1c77', '#980043'] Colors for heatmap. Array can be of any length.
maxSampleSize Number Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER For improved performance, run Jenks classification on only a sample of Solr counts. Default value turns off sampling. Typical value is 400.

Running locally

Download required libraries for example (Leaflet, Leaflet MarkerClusterer, jQuery)

bower install

(Optional) Install packages for running local server

npm install

Start local server


View the example at