Perform Feedback App Server
This runs a server which the mobile app communicates with.
Install Git:
sudo yum install git
Checkout this repository
Install Docker and Docker Compose:
yum install docker docker-compose
If you have multiple drives it's a good idea to store the docker volumes on the biggest drive:
mv /var/lib/docker /home/template-user
ln -s /home/template-user/docker /var/lib/docker
Now start docker:
systemctl enable docker
systemctl start docker
Install NodeJS (TODO: Add a new docker container for node)
sudo yum install nodejs
Get the required packages:
npm install
Install forever monitoring tool
npm install forever -g
Create the config.local.js file on the config directory. Then Update the details.
cp config/config.local.template.js config/config.local.js
vim config/config.local.js
Start the app:
sudo docker-compose up -d
sudo bin/
Database problem
On SELinux you may need to add the following policy to the Mongo data directory:
chcon -Rt svirt_sandbox_file_t vol-mongo