
Chef cookbook of ruby install by rbenv. Can specify ruby versions into node attributes.

Primary LanguageRuby

Chef cookbook of ruby install by rbenv. Can specify ruby versions into node attributes.




Install rubyies that specified in node attributes.


To keep group write of rbenv versions directory for installing gems by rbenv group user.

This feature is using cron.


Global ruby version.

node.default[:rbenv_install_rubies][:global_version] = '2.0.0-p247'

List of other versions.

node.default[:rbenv_install_rubies][:other_versions] = []

List of preinstalled gems for rubies.

node.default[:rbenv_install_rubies][:gems] = ['bundler', 'rbenv-rehash', 'pry']

List of OS package names that is required by compiling ruby and some gems.

node.default[:rbenv_install_rubies][:lib_packages] = []

Sample json

Just install rubies

  "run_list": [
  "rbenv_install_rubies": {
    "global_version": "2.0.0-p247",
    "other_versions": ["1.9.3-p448"],
    "gems": ["bundler", "rbenv-rehash", "pry", {"nokogiri" => {"version" => "1.5.10"}}],
    "lib_packages": ["libxml2-devel", "libxslt-devel"]

With keep group write feature

  "run_list": [
  "rbenv": {
   "group_users": ["john", "mike"]
  "rbenv_install_rubies": {
    "global_version": "2.0.0-p247",
    "other_versions": ["1.9.3-p448"],
    "gems": ["bundler", "rbenv-rehash", "pry", {"nokogiri" => {"version" => "1.5.10"}}],
    "lib_packages": ["libxml2-devel", "libxslt-devel"]


This cookbook is tested by below things.

How to run specs

$ git clone https://github.com/akahigeg/rbenv-install-rubies-cookbook.git
$ cd rbenv-install-rubies-cookbook
$ vagrant up
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rake spec


For ruby 1.8.7 system

Latest version of rbenv cookbook dose not support ruby 1.8.7 already. But ruby 1.8.7 is still preinstalled on many environment.

You need to specify rbenv cookbook version on ruby 1.8.7 systems.

This is Berkfile sample.

site :opscode

cookbook 'rbenv', '~> 1.5.0' # for Ruby 1.8.7 system
cookbook 'rbenv-install-rubies'