"# MyClubApp"

To run:

  1. install latest version of android studio and Java SDK
  2. clone the project or download it as zip file then unzip it
  3. open android studio then go to File->Open Project->Select the project file
  4. run the project and if you notice any bug in the code pls contact me or push the issue here

App UI:

  1. Start Page(which has login and register button)

  2. Regsiter Page for students

  3. Student Affairs Officer Panel a. Create new club page

b. Allocate classroom

c. Approve booking

d. Publish an events/remove/Replay to student's enquiries of an events

e. Print booking list

  1. Club Advisor/ Society Committee Member Panel:

a. Book classroom

b. Booking's Status

c. Update club details

d. Printing Activities and member list reports

e. Submit club/society announcement to the admin

  1. Students Panel:

a. View profile and update it

b. Post enquiry advisor or admin

c. Join Club

d. View joined clubs

Database: Firebase Firestore

Authentction: Firebase auth

Storage: Firebase Storage "# ClubMobileApplication" "# ClubMobileApplication"