"# MyClubApp"
To run:
- install latest version of android studio and Java SDK
- clone the project or download it as zip file then unzip it
- open android studio then go to File->Open Project->Select the project file
- run the project and if you notice any bug in the code pls contact me or push the issue here
App UI:
Start Page(which has login and register button)
Regsiter Page for students
Student Affairs Officer Panel a. Create new club page
b. Allocate classroom
c. Approve booking
d. Publish an events/remove/Replay to student's enquiries of an events
e. Print booking list
- Club Advisor/ Society Committee Member Panel:
a. Book classroom
b. Booking's Status
c. Update club details
d. Printing Activities and member list reports
e. Submit club/society announcement to the admin
- Students Panel:
a. View profile and update it
b. Post enquiry advisor or admin
c. Join Club
d. View joined clubs
Database: Firebase Firestore
Authentction: Firebase auth
Storage: Firebase Storage "# ClubMobileApplication" "# ClubMobileApplication"