
This is a list of upcoming front-end related conferences.

Front-End Conferences

This is a list of upcoming front-end related conferences. If you know of any other ones that haven't been listed yet, fork this repository and create a new pull request.

The following content can also be found on https://frontendfront.com/conferences.


webinale 2022
30 May - 3 June 2022
Berlin, Germany or Online

JSWorld Conference
1-3 June 2022
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Vuejs Amsterdam
2-3 June 2022
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

App.js Conf 2022
8-10 June 2022
Kraków, Poland

CSS Day 2022
9-10 June 2022
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Pixel Pioneers Bristol
10 June 2022
Bristol, United Kingdom

JSNation Conference 2022
16 June 2022
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
20 June 2022

React Summit
17 June 2022
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
21 June 2022

HalfStack Newquay
1 July 2022
Newquay, United Kingdom

Full Stack Europe 2022
5-7 October 2022
Antwerp, Belgium

NG-DE 2022
6-7 October 2022
Berlin, Germany

vuejs.de Conf 2022
6-7 October 2022
Berlin, Germany

JavaScript Days, Angular Days, React Days and HTML & CSS Days
17-20 October 2022
Berlin, Germany or Online

International JavaScript Conference Munich
24-28 October 2022
Munich, Germany or Online

27-28 October 2022
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

North America

International JavaScript Conference New York
26-29 September 2022
New York, USA or Online