
Java port of https://github.com/codemiller/getting-started-with-openshift

Primary LanguageJava

Java Port of Getting Started with OpenShift Book##

You can download Getting Started with OpenShift book from here.

Create OpenShift Application###

Open a new command-line terminal, navigate to convinient location, and then create a new OpenShift application using rhc command-line tool.

$ rhc app-create insultapp jbosseap postgresql-9 --from-code https://github.com/shekhargulati/insultapp.git

After application creation, SSH into application gear using rhc ssh command.

$ rhc ssh --app insultapp

And run the following commnad to create database schema with input data.

$ psql -f $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR/import.sql

Open the application in web browser http://insultapp-{{domain-name}}.rhcloud.com. Please replace {{domain-name}} with your OpenShift account domain name.

Application Versioning##

The application has three git tags that you can find here https://github.com/shekhargulati/insultapp/releases.

  1. AppTemplate : This is the starter template application created by OpenShift. Just a simple hello world application.

  2. InMemoryInsults : This version finds insults from java.util.List.

  3. DatabaseInsults : This version finds insults from PostgreSQL database.