${project.name} ${project.version} -- the backend data processing layer
of ${project.parent.name}.  
Department of Biomedical Informatics, ${project.organization.name}


Welcome to ${project.parent.name}! 




Version 1.8.2 includes minor bug-fixes. 

Version 1.8.1 includes minor bug-fixes.

Version 1.8 adds the ability to connect directly to a database as a
data source, in addition to the spreadsheet upload mechanism.  This
change allows Eureka! to pull patient data directly from a data warehouse.
There are also improvements to the phenotype editor and job submission
user interfaces.

Version 1.7 provides the ability to create new types of phenotypes.
Frequency data elements can now specify the first n occurrences as
opposed to just n occurrences.  Value Threshold elements can not
be defined in the "context" of other elements.  The jasig CAS
(Central Authentication Server) was also incorporated into the
infrastructure for greater security and Single Sign-On (SSO) ability.
Other improvements include bug fixes, performance enhancements,
more complete help documentation, and other data element enhancements.

Version 1.6 extends the rudimentary data element editing support
provided in version 1.5 to provide a complete data element editor. You
can specify a relatively complete set of the temporal patterns that
can be specified in the underlying Protempa software.


The current version requires Java 7. It is known to work with Oracle Java 7, and
it is expected to work with OpenJDK 7 as well. It is incompatible with earlier
versions of Java.

Eureka! Clinical Analytics uses the Maven build system, available from
http://maven.apache.org. You must install maven, if you do not already
have it, to work with the source code. Maven 3 is required.


${project.name} is a module of Eureka! Clinical Analytics and
currently only runs in the context of the entire application. Please
see ${aiw.site.url} for installation instructions.


Please send an email to ${eureka.support.email} for support or questions.


${project.name} is freely available as open source under the
Apache License, Version 2.0. A copy of the license is in the LICENSE
file provided in this distribution.

${project.name} is Copyright (C) ${project.inceptionYear}-2013 ${project.organization.name}.


Please see ${aiw.site.url} for more information and
${project.url} for technical