
A simple SWIG-wrapped Python module for the Efficient LArge Scale C++ stereo matching library (http://www.cvlibs.net/software/libelas/).

Primary LanguageC++


pyelas is a thin SWIG Python wrapping of the efficient large-scale stereo matching library, libelas.


The demo.py script works; passing two stereo image paths on the command line will display the resulting disparity map.

Getting Started

Download the repository and enter the src directory.

$ git clone http://github.com/jlowenz/pyelas.git

$ cd src

$ python setup.py build_ext -i

You should then be able to run demo.py <path to left> <path to right>, or iPython and import elas.


pyelas requires SWIG 3.0, Python (2.7), and numpy.


libelas is licensed under the GPL, therefore this software is under the GPL as well. Please see the original readme for more information.