
A mobile statistics calculator for Android OS

Primary LanguageJava

# Application: Stats Calc
# Company: AEI Design
# Lead Developers: Iyad Kandalaft & Andrew Kandalaft

A basic statistics calculator for the android operating system. 
The application sports an advanced data set entry and management interface that easily permits the storage and loading of data.

The calculator provides basic analaysis functions such as

Descriptive Statistics:
- Mean, Median, Mode
- Standard deviation & error
- Kurtosis & Skewness

Linear Regression & Graphing Features:
- Line function
- R & R^2 value
- Mean square error and significance

Permutations & combinations calculations:
- Based on set and group size 
- Permutations with & without repetition
- Combinations with & without repetition
- Pigeonhole

Distribution statistics:
- Gaussian
- Chi Squared
- Bernoulli
- Poisson
- T