PDF Translator

This projects reads the text content from PDF files, translates it and saves translated text as a formatted PDF file.

Two different translating options can be used:

  1. Google translate python library googletrans (can be installed via pip ). To use this option, use script python translator.py
  2. AWS Translate. This option requires you to have AWS account. You need to obtain the AWS access key and a secret access key and configure them either as environment variables or local files. To use AWS Translate: python aws_translator.py

Additional python packages that are required to install are:

  • PyPDF2
  • reportlab
  • boto3 (AWS Python SDK)

AWS charges:

AWS offer free tier to try out the AWS Translator. Free tier included 2 million characters for 12 months. Please note that after that the charges will occur and AWS will charge $15 per million characters. More info: Click Here for more info

If you get googletrans error, here is how to fix it:

Please note that there was a breaking change for googletrans. If you get error: error in result (AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group') Then to fix you need to do 2 things:

  1. Change URL to URL_COM = 'translate.googleapis.com'
  2. Install the latest version of Google Translate: pip install googletrans==3.1.0a0 It fixed the issue. More information about the issue: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52455774/googletrans-stopped-working-with-error-nonetype-object-has-no-attribute-group#52456197

How you can translate your own file?

  1. Change language to which you would like to translate to: LANG = "lv" (ln: 19 in translator.py & ln: 13 in aws_translator.py)
  2. Change the file name from file_name = "example.pdf". Raplace example.pdf to match the pdf file name you have. (ln: 61 in translator.py & ln: 59 in aws_translator.py)