
the quickest possible setup

Primary LanguageShell

Yalishanda's .files



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What does it use?

What do I need to do if I don't have any of these and want them installed automagically?

  1. Install (Fira Code || Powerline || Nerd Font) fonts and make the terminal use one of them:
  1. Make sure zsh is the default shell:
  • For normal user: chsh -s /bin/zsh
  • For root: sudo chsh -s /bin/zsh
  1. Abra-cadabra!
  • Run the install script: ./INSTALL.sh (WARNING: This overwrites your ~/.zshrc content and assumes you haven't installed Oh-My-Zsh! yet. If you have, please remove the folder.)
  • Then, at any time, if there is an update available, easily update with: ./UPDATE.sh

My color preferences

iTerm2DropdownProfile.json and iTerm2Profile.json can be easily imported into iTerm2.

One Dark Theme for XCode

Copy the FontAndColorThemes dir into ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData.

Collection of unnecessary but cool stuff

Bigger collection of cool stuff: