
Style Craze is a website which provides information and tips regarding beauty products , the ways to use them and provide websites for buying them. It is simple to use and device friendly

Primary LanguageHTML

Project Name - StyleCraze-clone

This is an iformative website where we can get various information about the beauty products and the ways to apply them.The website is fully functional and easy to use and very informative in nature.

Deployed Link

Visit : teal-pithivier-be019f.netlify.app

Responsive for all screen sizes

Languages Used

StyleCraze webiste looks very amazing and introduced with various type of languages like HTML, CSS etc. There are the some important details regarding with this project which is mentioned below:

      ◉ HTML :72.9%
      ◉ CSS :27.1%


      ◉ Different Pages
      ◉ Categories Section
      ◉ All ways Navigation
      ◉ Responsiveness

Homepage is one of the most important factor which also known by the name of Landing Page. There are different kinds of the section is there like Hairstyles , SkinCare and Many more.

Thank You.