
All the social network theorems explained in NPTEL course are here in python 3

Primary LanguagePython

All the programs are written in python 3 with the help of package networkx.

Some of the implementation of theory of social networking are here.

1- Given some nodes add edges randomly until it is connected.

2- girwan's algorithm and brute force.

3- fatman evolutionary model.

4- schekking model implimentation and working with signed network with edges with either + or -.

5- point distribution method and random walk method(for ranking most popular node if we start wisiting nodes randomly in a network).

6- using property of cascading that if we start from a key node then most of the other nodes will be in influence. here comes the concept of social influence.

7- barabassi elbert model and erdos reny model.

8- K-shell decomposition and small world network.(we can connect any two person in this world with just 6 hops at max).

The blank weeks denotes the learning period.

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