
Package extending the Xml Document Transform (XDT)

Primary LanguageC#


Package extending the Xml Document Transform XDT.

.NET Core

More about the XDT format and syntax :


This package overcomes some limitations of XDT around comments insertion and formatting.

It brings new transform functions that enables injecting comments and spaces while inserting elements.

Try it online

You can try and browse the XML document transformations on the Playground.

Nuget Package

.Net Standard 2.1


Table of content

Use cases

Add a section with comments above

Source XML

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <add key="IsStaging" value="True" />
    <add key="Environment" value="Dev" />

Result XML

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <add key="IsStaging" value="True" />
    <add key="Environment" value="Dev" />
    <!--   Storage Section   -->
    <add key="storagePath" value="d:/temp/" />

Transform XDT

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuration xmlns:xdt="http://schemas.microsoft.com/XML-Document-Transform" xmlns:xdtExt="xdt-extensions" xml:space="preserve" >
  <xdt:Import assembly="XdtExtensions"
             namespace="XdtExtensions" />


    <add key="storagePath" value="d:/temp/" xdt:Transform="InsertIfMissingExt" xdt:Locator="Match(key)">
    <!--   Storage Section   -->

Insert a section with comments above and below

Source XML

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <add key="BatchSize" value="100" />
    <add key="IsSandboxed" value="True" />
    <add key="Environment" value="Dev" />

Result XML

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <add key="BatchSize" value="100" />
    <!--   Comments above  -->
    <add key="newKey" value="newValue" />
    <!--   Comments below  -->
    <add key="IsSandboxed" value="True" />
    <add key="Environment" value="Dev" />

Transform XDT

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuration xmlns:xdt="http://schemas.microsoft.com/XML-Document-Transform" xmlns:xdtExt="xdt-extensions" xml:space="preserve" >
  <xdt:Import assembly="XdtExtensions"
             namespace="XdtExtensions" />


    <add key="newKey" value="newValue" xdt:Transform="InsertBeforeExt(/configuration/appSettings/add[@key='IsSandboxed'])" >
    <!--   Comments above  -->
    <!--   Comments below  -->

Remove specific comments with XPath

Source XML

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- existing comments -->
    <add key="IsProduction" value="True" />
    <add key="IsStaging" value="True" />

    <!-- this unwanted comment will be removed -->

    <add key="Environment" value="Dev" />

    <!-- this unwanted comment will also be removed -->

Result XML

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- existing comments -->
    <add key="IsProduction" value="True" />
    <add key="IsStaging" value="True" />

    <add key="Environment" value="Dev" />

Transform XDT

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuration xmlns:xdt="http://schemas.microsoft.com/XML-Document-Transform" xmlns:xdtExt="xdt-extensions" xml:space="preserve" >
  <xdt:Import assembly="XdtExtensions"
             namespace="XdtExtensions" />

   <does_not_matter xdt:Transform="RemoveAllExt(/configuration/appSettings/comment()[contains(.,'unwanted comment')])" />


Check the demo project for a complete sample.

// using XdtExtensions.Microsoft.Web.XmlTransform

var xml = File.ReadAllText("samples/source.xml");
var xdt = File.ReadAllText("samples/transform.xml");

using (XmlTransformableDocument document = new XmlTransformableDocument() { PreserveWhitespace = true })
using (XmlTransformation transformation = new XmlTransformation(xdt, isTransformAFile: false, null))

    var success = transformation.Apply(document);
    if (!success)
        throw new Exception($"An error has occurred on apply transform, use IXmlTransformationLogger for more details.");

    document.Save(new MemoryStream());

    Console.WriteLine("Result: \n" + document.OuterXml);


A fork of the XDT package is bundled with the package to better manage spacing and formatting under the namespace XdtExtensions.Microsoft.Web.XmlTransform.


If you have an assembly not found error when using the extended transforms, make sure the XdtExtensions assembly is loaded by adding the following in the calling assembly.

private string _loadXdtExtensionsAssembly = XdtExtensions.DefaultNamespace.Namespace;

Extension Transforms Reference

Insert / Replace

All the following transform operations that create content can leverage the meta tags :before and :after to inject content before and/or after the TagElement as shown below.

    <TagElement  xdt:Transform="TransformOperation" />
    <!--   Content injected before the tag  -->
    <!--   Content injected before   -->
Transform Operation Description
InsertExt Same as Insert
InsertIfMissingExt Same as InsertIfMissing
InsertAllExt Insert in all matched locations
InsertBeforeExt Same as InsertBefore
InsertAfterExt Same as InsertAfter
ReplaceExt Same as Replace
ReplaceAllExt Replaces at all matched locations


The Remove operations can target any node type using XPath as an argument, thus it can be used to remove comments.

Note that the tag and the location do not matter.

     xdt:Transform="RemoveExt(//appSettings/comment()[contains(.,'unwanted comment')])" />
Transform Operation Description
RemoveExt Removes the first matched node
RemoveAllExt Removes all matched nodes


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How can I contribute ?

You can contribute in the following ways :

  • Report an issue / Suggest a feature.
  • Create a pull request.