
Create collision detection using expression node.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Maya Expression Collision (expcol)

Maya License: MIT

expcol creates collision detection using only the built-in expression nodes of Maya.
No plugins or additional installations are required for the animation process. Only the rigging process requires these installations.

Supported Maya:

  • Maya 2024 (Python3.10.8)
  • Maya 2023 (Python3.9.7)
  • Maya 2022 (Python3.7.7)
  • Maya 2020 (Python2.7.11)
  • Maya 2019 and below are "not" supported

Example of capsule collider :
Example of capsule collider

Supported colliders

Supported colliders

  • Infinite Plane
  • Sphere
  • Capsule
  • Capsule2 (radius individually)
  • Cuboid


expcol module is required on rigging, but is not needed on animation.

pip install (2.0.0 or higher)

cd C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2024\bin
mayapy -m pip install -U git+https://github.com/akasaki1211/maya_expressionCollision.git

To specify version and location :

mayapy -m pip install -U git+https://github.com/akasaki1211/maya_expressionCollision.git@2.0.0 -t C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Documents\maya\2024\scripts\site-packages

manual install

  1. Zip download the Code and unzip it to any location.
  2. Please do one of the following:
    • Copy the expcol directory into the C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Documents\maya\scripts.
    • Add the parent directory of expcol to PYTHONPATH environment variable.
    • Add the parent directory of expcol to PYTHONPATH in Maya.env.


Create Collider

from expcol import collider

collider.iplane()   # Infinite Plane
collider.sphere()   # Sphere
collider.capsule()  # Capsule
collider.capsule2() # Capsule2 (radius individually)
collider.cuboid()   # Cuboid

Create Detection

from expcol import detection

input str Child 'transform' or 'joint' before correction.
output str Child 'transform' or 'joint' after correction.
controller str Any node to add attributes for control.
parent str, optional Parent 'transform' or 'joint'.
colliders list, optional List of collider names. Defaults to [].
groundCol bool, optional Add horizontal plane collision. Defaults to False.
scalable bool, optional Allow for parent scale of joint-chain and parent scale of colliders. Defaults to False.
radius_rate float, optional Rate at which radius and tip radius are interpolated, between 0 and 1. Defaults to None.

For more information on input, output and parent, please click here.

If you just want to add an attribute to a controller, do the following. It is also called in detection.create.


Quick sample

Running the following code will create a sample joint, create a collider, and even create a detection.

from maya import cmds
from expcol import collider, detection

# Create sample joint chain
rootCtl = cmds.createNode('transform', n='rootCtl')
jointList = []
for i in range(5):
    jointList.append(cmds.joint(n='joint_{}'.format(i), p=[i*3,0,0]))
cmds.setAttr(rootCtl+'.ty', 5)

for i in range(len(jointList)-1):
    p = cmds.listRelatives(jointList[i], p=True)[0]
    pos1 = cmds.xform(jointList[i], q=True, ws=True, t=True)
    pos2 = cmds.xform(jointList[i+1], q=True, ws=True, t=True)
    prt = cmds.createNode('transform', n='parent_{}'.format(i), p=p)
    ipt = cmds.createNode('transform', n='input_{}'.format(i), p=p)
    out = cmds.createNode('transform', n='output_{}'.format(i), p=p)
    cmds.xform(prt, ws=True, t=pos1)
    cmds.xform(ipt, ws=True, t=pos2)
    cmds.xform(out, ws=True, t=pos2)
    cmds.aimConstraint(out, jointList[i], u=[0,0,1], wu=[0,0,1], wut='objectrotation', wuo=prt)

# Create Colliders
collider_list = []

# Create Detections
for i in range(len(jointList)-1):

groundCol option

Setting groundCol to True adds an invisible horizontal collision. The height can be changed with the GroundHeight value.

scalable option

If scalable is set to True, the scale of the parent of the joint-chain or the parent of the collider is reflected.

scalable=True scalable=False
scalable_true.gif scalable_false.gif

radius_rate option

Interpolate radius and tip_radius by the radius_rate value. 0.0 matches radius and 1.0 matches tip_radius.

parent option

When creating a detection for bone with length, parent option is usually used.
If parent is not specified, a simple point detection is created.


from maya import cmds
from expcol import collider, detection

# Create input and output
rootCtl = cmds.createNode('transform', n='rootCtl')
in_point = cmds.createNode('transform', n='input')
out_point = cmds.createNode('transform', n='output')
cmds.parent(in_point, rootCtl)
cmds.parent(out_point, rootCtl)
cmds.setAttr(rootCtl + '.ty', 5)

# Create Colliders
collider_list = []

# Create Detection

Collision Iteration

High Colision Iteration value increases the accuracy of collisions, but also increases the processing laod. Recommended value is 3 to 5. 0 disables detections.

What are Input, Output, and Parent?

Input world position of the child joint before correction.
Output world position of the child joint after correction.
Parent world position of the parent joint.

Each is just transform node, and there is no input connection to translate of Parent and Input.

Also, joint chain is not directly related to collision. It will be controlled by aim constraint or IK later.

If you have more than two joint chain, create the same node graph in the child hierarchy.
It's the same for all patterns like Capsule, Infinite plane, Sphere...

Sample script

Below is a sample script to create detections on any joint-chain. It should be run by selecting controller, then root-joint. X-axis of each joint must face the child.


from maya import cmds
from expcol import collider, detection

# Get selection from Maya's scene
sel = cmds.ls(sl=True)
ctl = sel[0]           # The first selected object is a control
root_joint = sel[1]    # The second selected object is the root joint

# Function to get all child joints of a given node recursively
def get_children(node):
    children = []
    child = cmds.listRelatives(node, c=True, type=["joint", "transform"])
    if child:
    return children

joints = [root_joint] + get_children(root_joint) # List of all joints starting from the root

parents = []
inputs = []
outputs = []

# Iterate over pairs of joints to set up constraints and transforms
for a, b in zip(joints, joints[1:]):
    p = cmds.listRelatives(a, p=True) # Get parent of joint a
    if p:
        p = p[0]
    a_pos = cmds.xform(a, q=True, ws=True, t=True) # Get world position of joint a
    a_rot = cmds.xform(a, q=True, ws=True, ro=True) # Get world rotation of joint a
    b_pos = cmds.xform(b, q=True, ws=True, t=True) # Get world position of joint b
    # Create auxiliary transforms for detection setup
    prt = cmds.createNode('transform', n='{}_parent'.format(a), p=p)
    ipt = cmds.createNode('transform', n='{}_input'.format(a), p=p)
    out = cmds.createNode('transform', n='{}_output'.format(a), p=p)
    # Set the position and rotation for the created nodes
    cmds.xform(prt, ws=True, t=a_pos)
    cmds.xform(prt, ws=True, ro=a_rot) # Because parent is specified as worldUpObject in aimConstraint, rotation must also be aligned.
    cmds.xform(ipt, ws=True, t=b_pos)
    cmds.xform(out, ws=True, t=b_pos)
    # Aim constraint to align joint a towards joint b
    cmds.aimConstraint(out, a, aim=[1,0,0], u=[0,0,1], wu=[0,0,1], wut='objectrotation', wuo=prt)

# Create Colliders
collider_list = []
collider_list.append(collider.iplane())  # Adding an infinite plane collider
collider_list.append(collider.capsule()) # Adding a capsule collider

# Create Detections for each joint
for prt, ipt, out in zip(parents, inputs, outputs):


  • A large number of detections can be very heavy.
  • The number of colliders cannot be changed after a detection (expression node) is created.

Processing time⏱

Below is the processing time per joint measured using Maya's profiler. The actual depend on the environment, please check it as a load comparison for each collider.

Collider (Iteration:5) Avg
sphere 32.57 us
iplane 33.70 us
capsule 39.27 us
capsule2 48.94 us
cuboid 50.30 us
  • Windows 11
  • Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700 CPU @ 2.90GHz
  • Maya 2024

More faster🚀

A custom node colDetectionNode can be used to make it faster.

  1. Place colDetectionNode.mll in the plug-ins folder and make sure it is ready to load.
  2. Add detection.CreateConfig.set_type("customnode") before detection.create.
    • parent is required.
    • groundCol is ignored, because it can be switched later.
    • scalable is ignored, because scale is always in enabled.
### 2.1.1 or higher ###

from expcol import detection

# Use colDetectionMtxNode

# Use expression [*default]

# In "customnode" mode, 
# - 'parent' is required.
# - 'groundCol' is ignored, because it can be switched later.
# - 'scalable' is ignored, because scale is always in enabled.
    'parent',           # required
    groundCol=True,     # ignored
    scalable=False,     # ignored

The plugin colDetectionNode.mll is also required for the animation process.

Practical Example

Combine with mGear "chain_spring_01"

chain_spring_add_collision.py is a Custom Step that adds collision detection to mGear chain_spring_01. In addition, unlocked scale that the original chain_spring_01 does not allow.
You can change the settings in the config function.

how to setup:

  1. Install expcol 2.1.1 or later.
  2. Create colliders with expcol and place it under a group named "collider_grp".
  3. Create chain_spring_01 guide(s).
  4. Add chain_spring_add_collision.py to Post Custom Step.
  5. Build!