
For what we build next. Together.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



This module adds ui features to the website. The ui is based on angular single page web application schemes. Each application that wishes to use this module should have a ui field in its manifest.json.


  “ui”: {
    “icon”: “favicon.png”,
    “navName”: “Boilerplate”,
    “drawerName”: “Boilerplate”,
    “index”: 1,
    “views”: {
      “/”: {“url”: “/views/index.html”, “ctrl”: “indexCtrl”, “scope”: “everyone”, “title”: “Home”},
      “/foo”: {“url”: “/views/foo.html”, “ctrl”: “fooCtrl”, “scope”: “admin”}
    “scripts”: [“/js/controllers.js”, “/js/ctrl/fooCtrl.js”],
    “ngmod”: [“ngTouch”]
  • icon - icon to be shown in ui
  • navName - name to be shown in ui’s navigation
  • index - position of this application when displayed in navigation
  • href - url to this application; if set, views will be ignored
  • views - Angular ngView properties ** url: templateUrl ** ctrl: name of the controller ** scope: which level of user can access this view ** title: name displayed in navigation; if not set, this view will not show in navigation. ** exclusive: if true, this view will only show in navigation of users with specified scope; otherwise this view will also be shown to users with higher level (eg. views with scope: 'everyone' will be shown in admin's navigation)
  • scripts - scripts to be resolved when loading this app
  • ngmod - required angular modules

Using toast to display a message

Use $rootScope.$broadcast() to display a message with a toast. Listened events are: errorMessage, warningMessage, infoMessage, successMessage. They will display a toast with different styles.


$rootScope.$broadcast(‘errorMessage’, ‘Oops, an error has ocurred.’);

Route cache

In front-end, navCtrl utilizes a http get request to /routes to acquire information to build the navigation drawer. This information come from the route cache, which is built in core-ui's app.finally(). When front-end sends a request, the server will determine user's scope (everyone, users, admin) and respond with corresponding info.

Init procedure

shiverview-core-ui run a series of tasks when all applications have been loaded. Those tasks include:

  • Initialize route cache
  • Build a list of other apps’ bower dependencies and install (using the application's bower.json)
  • Inject bower dependencies into index.html (using wiredep)
  • Inject angular modules into application.js (using manifest.json.ui.ngmod)
  • Inject route information into application.js (using manifest.json.ui.views)
  • Acquire other apps’ controllers and rebuild minified script (using uglify-js)