
App for testing your piano skills

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sample Project: Activity to Practice Piano Notes

This project provides a work-in-progress codebase for a web-based activity that assists in learning the piano.

The project has two parts:

  • A server (written in Python using Flask) which manages the data for the application
  • A client (written in ES6 using React) which displays the activity to the user in a web browser

Getting up and running

Without Docker

  • Make sure python (version 3.5+) and node JS are installed on your system
  • Create .env from .env.dist
  • Install Flask into the python environment using pip install flask
  • Navigate to the client folder and run npm install
  • Once dependencies are installed, run npm run build to build the client project
  • From the root folder, run python server/run_server.py
  • Open http://localhost:5000/ to access the activity

With Docker

Create .env from .env.dist
make build
make run


Intended direction for this project:


  • notes are served in a sequence (at the moment the same note is served over and over again - perhaps this could make a tune?)
  • keys pressed by the user are checked on the server, against the current note in the sequence
  • the sequence of notes progresses when the user provides the correct key (until the end of the sequence)
  • user is provided with summary data of correct/incorrect attempts within the provided sequence


  • when a key is pressed, it is checked with the server (using this.props.checkAnswer in App.js) to determine if this is the matching key, and feedback is given to the user (in a user-friendly manner)
  • the next note is then requested from the server, and displayed to the user
  • a way for the activity to be completed, and a summary reported to the user's of their success (e.g. which keys were correct, and which they need to work on)

Extension Ideas:

  • add unit tests that provide good testing coverage
  • add a Redux store to the project such that state is no longer stored within App.js
  • user results are reported on a separate page which can also be navigated to as a single page app (SPA)
  • add a way for users to share their results, or upload their own sequences/tunes to teach each other