Implementations of Data Structures and Algorithms by me
The list of algorithms shall be regularly updated for quick viewing
- Native String Matching Algorithm
- Binary Search Tree
- Singly Linked List
- Rabin Karp String Matching Algorithm
- Algorith for Graph as Adjacency Matrix
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Algorith for Graph as Adjacency List
- Depth First Search Algorithm using Stack
- Breadth First Search Algorithm using Queue
- Binary Search - Interatively
- Interval Tree
- Binary Indexed Tree
- Fast Modulo Multiplication (Exponential Squaring)
- Heuristic Algorithms
- KMP string searching
- Manacher's Algorithm
- Union Find/Disjoint Set
- Trie
- Prime Miller Rabin
- Matrix Recurrence + Fast Modulo Multiplication for counting
- Stable Marriage Problem
- Extended Euclid's algorithm
- Ternary Search
- Fast Fourier Transform for fast polynomial multiplication
- Djikstra's algorithm, Bellman-ford algorithm, Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
- Prim's Algorithm, Kruskal's Algorithm
- Flow related algorithms, assignment problem, Hungarian algorithm
- Bipartite matching algorithms
- Heavy-light decomposition
- Sweep line algorithm
- Z algorithm
- Convex Hull
- Suffix Arrays
- Suffix Tree
- Gaussian Elimination
- Numerical Integration/Differentiation
- Line Clipping
- Advanced Maths Ad-Hoc problems
- Aho–Corasick string matching algorithm
- Rabin-Karp algorithm
- Heavy Light decomposition in trees
- Inverse Modulo operations
- Pollard Rho Integer Factorization
- Catalan Numbers
- Euclid's GCD Algorithm
- Extended Euclid's algorithm
- Binary Search, Ternary Search
- Fast Fourier Transformation for fast polynomial multiplication
- Graph algorithms - BFS, DFS, finding connected components
- Djikstra's algorithm, Bellman-ford algorithm, Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
- Prim's Algorithm, Kruskal's Algorithm
- Flow related algorithms, assignment problem, Hungarian algorithm
- Bipartite matching algorithms
- Heavy-light decomposition
- Sweep line algorithm
- Z algorithm
Please send in any suggestions, and improvements.
Also tell me if you want a certain algorithm included which is not yet in any of the above lists.