Production deploy pipeline instructions


  • Download fly from IOM concourse url and paste the fly.exe file under C://windows/system32
  • Enter the below command to login to the server fly -t iom-dct-apps-prod login -c
  • Copy and paste the below url in chrome for authentication
  • Execute the below command to create a team with basic auth fly set-team -n proddeployteam --basic-auth-username ci --basic-auth-password changeme -t iom-dct-apps-prod
  • login to the concourse team fly login -n proddeployteam -t iom-dct-apps-prod
  • Edit the below command before executing(replace ldap username and password with ```XXX``)
    • get a prod-pipeline.yml and secrets.yml from IOM team and navigate to the path where you save the yml files fly sp -t iom-dct-apps-prod -p proddeploy -c prod-pipeline.yml -n -l secrets.yml --var "prod-pipeline-cfuser=XXX " --var "prod-pipeline-password=XXX"