
A list of all the sublime text 3 settings

Primary LanguagePython

Sublime Text 4 Development Setup

Integrated Terminal Setup

  1. Install Terminus Package
  2. Preferances » Package Settings » Terminus » Terminus
  3. In terminus.sublime-Settings--User paste code from terminusSettings.js
  4. Save the file and restart Sublime Text

Key Binding Setup

  1. Preference » Package Settings » Terminus » Key Bindings
  2. In right tab paste code from terminusKeyBindings.js
  3. Save the file and restart Sublime Text

Sublime Settings

1]Install fonts from fonts folder 2]Goto Preferences » Settings 3]Copy code from settings.json and paste it in Preference.sublime-Settings --User 4]Save the file and restart Sublime Test

LSP Clangd(c/c++)

  1. install the LSP package
  2. $ pip install compiledb
  3. compiledb -- used to generate compile_commands.json file used by clangd and LSP
  4. run command compile_commands.json file will be generated $ compiledb -n make
  5. now start the sublime text

Extensions / Packages Used

  • A File Icon
  • Babel -- Javascript
  • Gruvbox -- Color Scheme
  • ReactJs
  • Typescript
  • Emmet
  • LSP

Selection Color

  1. Install package resource viewer
  2. ctrl + shift +v » search prv » package resource viewer : open resources » search color scheme » themes »

Premake5 Visual Studio 2022 setup for c++ development

  1. Install Premake5
  2. Update the script path of premake5
$ premake5 /systemscript="C:\Users\Akash Pandit\.premake" vs2022
  1. Add the lua folder in repo to C:/Program Files/premake
  2. Run the following command in c++ working project folder to generate compile_commands.json
$ premake5 compiledb