
Financial Market News Sentiment Analysis

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Financial Market News Sentiment Analysis


**The objective of the Financial Market News Sentiment Analysis project is to develop a machine learning-based system that can analyze and classify the sentiment of financial news articles and social media posts related to the financial markets. By applying natural language processing techniques and sentiment classification algorithms, the project aims to determine whether the sentiment expressed in the textual data is positive, negative, or neutral.

The system will be trained on a labeled dataset of financial news articles to learn patterns and relationships between sentiment and market movements. Once trained, it will be capable of processing real-time financial news data and providing insights into the prevailing sentiment among market participants.

The project's ultimate goal is to help traders, investors, and financial institutions make data-driven decisions by understanding how sentiment influences market trends and asset prices. It can also assist in predicting potential market shifts and identifying key events that impact financial markets, thereby improving risk management and investment strategies.**