
An emotion classifier of text containing technical content from the SE domain

Primary LanguageOpenEdge ABL


A toolkit for emotion detection from technical text

Fair Use Policy

Please, cite the following paper if you intend to use our tool for your own research:

F. Calefato, F. Lanubile, N. Novielli. “EmoTxt: A Toolkit for Emotion Recognition from Text” To appear in Proceedings of ACII 2017, the 7th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, San Antonio, USA, Oct. 23-26, 2017.


  • Ram: 8GB
  • Python 2.7.x
    • Libraries
      • nltk, numpy, scikit_learn, scipy, pattern

        • Installation: open the command line and run $ pip install -r requirements.txt

        • Complete the nltk installation: Run the Python interpreter and type the commands

          >>> import nltk        
          >>> nltk.download()
      • Stanford CoreNLP models

        • Installation: download it from here, then move the jar file to the ./java/lib/ subfolder.
  • Java 8+
  • R
    • Libraries:
      • caret, LiblinearR , e1071
        • Installation: open the command line and run

          $ Rscript requirements.R

Usage and dataset

In the following, we show first how to train a new model for emotion classification and, then, how to test the model on unseen data.

For testing purposes, you can use the sample.csv input file available in the root of the repo. Other, more complex examples, look at the dataset files available under the subfolder ./java/DatasetSO/StackOverflowCSV/.

Training a new model for emotion classification (70/30% split for train and test)

$ sh train.sh -i file.csv -d delimiter [-g] -e emotion 


  • -i file.csv: the input file coded in UTF-8 without BOM, containing the input corpus. Please, note that gold label are required for each item in the dataset. The format of the input file is the following:

    22;NO;"""Excellent! This is exactly what I needed. Thanks!"""
  • -d delimiter: the delimiter used in the csv file (values in {c, sc}, where stands for comma and sc for semicolon). Please, note that all the example files provided here use semicolon as delimiter, so -d sc is a mandatory option during tests.

  • -g: enables the extraction of n-grams (i.e,. bigrams and unigrams). N-grams extraction is mandatory for the first run when you want to train a new classification model for a given emotion, using your own dataset for the first time. Because n-gram extraction is computationally expensive, it should be skipped if you retrain the model for the same emotion using the same input file.

  • -e emotion: the specific emotion for which you want to train a classification model, with values in {joy, anger, sadness, love, surprise, fear}.

As a result, the script will generate the following output files:

  • An outputn folder named training_<file.csv>_<emotion>/, containing:
    • n-grams/: a subfolder containing the extracted n-grams
    • idfs/: a subfolder containing the IDFs computed for n-grams and WordNet Affect emotion words
    • feature-<emotion>.csv: a .csv file with the features extracted from the input corpus and used for training the model
    • liblinear/:
      • there are two subfolders: DownSampling/ and NoDownSampling/. Each one contains:
        • trainingSet.csv
        • testingSet.csv
        • eight models trained with liblinear model_<emotion>_<IDMODEL>.Rda, where IDMODEL is the ID of the liblinear model, with values in {0,...,7}):
        • performance_<emotion>_<IDMODEL>.txt, containing the results of the parameter tuning for the model (best C) as performed by caret, the confusion matrix and the precision, recall and f-measure for the best cost for the specific emotion
        • predictions_<emotion>_<IDMODEL>.csv, containing the test instances with the predicted labels for the specific emotion

Emotion detection

$ sh classify.sh -i file.csv -d delimiter -e emotion [-m model] [-f idf] [-o n-grams] [-l]


  • -i file.csv: the input csv file with header and coded in UTF-8 without BOM, containing the corpus to be classified; the format of the input file is the following:

    22;NO;"""Excellent! This is exactly what I needed. Thanks!"""
  • -d delimiter: the delimiter used in the csv file (values in {c, sc}, where stands for comma and sc for semicolon). Please, note that all the example files provided here use semicolon as delimiter, so -d sc is a mandatory option during tests.

  • -e emotion: the specific emotion to be detected in the input file or text, defined in {joy, anger, sadness, love, surprise, fear}.

  • -m model: the model file learnt during the training step (e.g., model-anger.rda). If you don't specify the model name, the default model will be used, that is the one learnt on our Stack Overflow gold standard.

  • -o n-grams: if you specify a model name using -m (i.e., you don't want to use the default model for a given emotion) you are required to provide also the path to the folder containing the dictionaries extracted during the training step. This folder includes n-grams, i.e., UnigramsList.txt and BigramsList.txt.

  • -f idf: if you specify a model name using -m (i.e., you don't want to use the default model for a given emotion) you are required to specify also the path to the folder containing the dictionaries with IDFs computed during the training step. The folder includes IDFs for n-grams (uni- and bi-grams) and for WordNet Affect lists of emotion words.

  • -l: if presents , indicates <file.csv> contains a gold label in the column label.

As a result, the script will create an output folder named classification_<file.csv>_<emotion> containing:

  • predictions_<emotion>.csv: a csv file with header, containing a binary prediction (yes/no) for each line of the input corpus:

  • performance_<emotion>.txt: a file created only if the input corpus <file.csv> contains the column label; the file contains several performance metrics (Precision, Recall, F1, confusion matrix).

For example, if you wanted to detect anger in the input file sample.csv, you would have to run:

$ sh classify.sh -i sample.csv -d sc -e anger