
API for lucky draw raffles.

Primary LanguagePython

Steps to setup the project :

  • Clone the repositoriy with : git clone https://github.com/akashaviator/LuckyDrawRaffle.git

  • Then: cd LuckyDrawRaffle

  • Make sure you have python 3.6+ installed.

  • If you're usign Linux activate the virtual environment with source env/bin/activate.

  • Install the dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt.

  • After the dependencies have installed, run the following commands :

     python manage.py makemigrations
     python manage.py migrate
  • Start the developement server with

     python manage.py runserver

Initial data for testing :

  • Populate the database with initial test data by running the following command :

     python manage.py loaddata lucky_draw_api/fixtures/data.json
  • The provided initial data has 7 users.

    username password
    admin admin
    Kartik akashaviator
    Satyam akashaviator
    Shobhit akashaviator
    Saurabh akashaviator
    Shashwat akashaviator
    Prateek akashaviator
  • The test data includes 10 lucky draw raffles scheduled till April 7.

  • Note - The raffles have been created by making the following assumptions -

    1. Raffles are held everyday from 8:00 AM till 8:00 PM.
    2. A winner can be declared by the admin only.
    3. A user should have an unused ticket to participate in a raffle.
    4. A user cannot participate in a raffle more than once.

API Endpoints :

The API uses HTTP Basic Authentication , signed against a user's username and password, to authenticate api requests.

  • GET

    Returns the ongoing or upcoming raffle.

    Example response -

      "id": 7,
      "name": "Raffle 7",
      "prize": "Mobile",
      "opening_datetime": "04/04/2021, 08:00:00",
      "closing_datetime": "04/04/2021, 20:00:00"
  • GET

    Creates a new ticket for the requesting user and returns its ticket id.

    Example response -

        "result": "successful",
        "ticket_id": 25
  • GET

    Returns the unused tickets of the requesting user.

    Example response -

              "id": 25,
              "used": false
  • POST

    Participate in an ongoing raffle by providing a ticket id of an unused ticket.

    Data params -


    Example - {"ticket_id": 25}

    Example response -

          "result": "Successful",
          "msg": "You have participated in the ongoing Lucky Draw raffle."
  • GET

    The Admin can make a request to this endpoint to declare a winner for the most recently concluded raffle.

    Example response -

          "result": "successful",
          "msg": "Winner for the previous raffle has been declared.",
          "username": "Prateek",
          "ticket_id": 20
  • GET

    Returns data about past raffles and their winners.

    Example response -

              "raffle_name": "Raffle 7",
              "prize": "Mobile",
              "opening_datetime": "04/04/2021, 02:30:00",
              "closing_datetime": "04/04/2021, 14:30:00",
              "winner": "Prateek"
              "raffle_name": "Raffle 8",
              "prize": "Laptop",
              "opening_datetime": "03/04/2021, 18:48:21",
              "closing_datetime": "03/04/2021, 19:20:32",
              "winner": "Winner wasn't declared."

Code :


The projects used two models located at lucky_draw_api/models.py.

1. LuckyDrawRaffle -

  • Represents a lucky draw raffle.

2. RaffleTicket -

  • Represents a raffle ticket.

URLs :

The core/urls.py file routes the api urls to lucky_draw_api.urls which contains the API urls and routes them to API views.

 path('api/', include('lucky_draw_api.urls')),

Views :

The following API views are located in lucky_draw_api/views.py and serve the requests given alongside and described above under API Endpoints-

  1. GetTicketView - GET /api/ticket
  2. GetOwnTickets - GET /api/user/tickets
  3. LuckyDrawView - GET /api/raffles , POST /api/raffles
  4. AnnounceWinnerView - GET /api/raffles/winner
  5. ListWinnersView - GET /api/winners