
Classify the sentiment of sentences from the Rotten Tomatoes dataset "There's a thin line between likably old-fashioned and fuddy-duddy, and The Count of Monte Cristo ... never quite settles on either side." The Rotten Tomatoes movie review dataset is a corpus of movie reviews used for sentiment analysis, originally collected by Pang and Lee. In their work on sentiment treebanks, Socher et al. used Amazon's Mechanical Turk to create fine-grained labels for all parsed phrases in the corpus. This project presents a chance to benchmark your sentiment-analysis ideas on the Rotten Tomatoes dataset. We have to label phrases on a scale of five values: negative, somewhat negative, neutral, somewhat positive, positive. Obstacles like sentence negation, sarcasm, terseness, language ambiguity, and many others make this task very challenging.

Primary LanguageJava

This is the implementation of Sentiment analysis for the movie reviews by Rotten Tomatoes using MapReduce.
------------------ Input --------------------
Place your input files in txt format in /data directory
------------------ HADOOP DIRECTORY SETUP ----

make sure this path is setup on hdfs before executing these files as python will places the input files present in ~/data directry to hdfs

the QueryIndex directory on hdfs has two directory input and output

make sure /user/cloudera/QueryIndex this path is setup. The setup_dir.sh file in config directory will take care of setting up files into it when your run query_run.py
information about file name convention used:
query_run.py: To ease the process of running all the files and arranging input and output I have implemented this python script. It even takes care of setting up files on hdfs.

It moves the files present in input directory to /user/cloudera/QueryIndex/input on hdfs and then it starts to execute MainDriver java class.

Usage: python query_run.py
If you wish to execute all files manually then:
sudo javac -cp /usr/lib/hadoop/*:/usr/lib/hadoop/client-0.20/* -d Index_classes Index.java PreProcess.java PageRankAnalysis.java SortPage.java MainDriver.java
jar -cvf MainDriver.jar -C Index_classes/ .
sudo -u hdfs hadoop jar MainDriver.jar org.myorg.MainDriver /user/cloudera/QueryIndex/input /user/cloudera/QueryIndex/output