
An assistant or we can say a chatbot created using IBM watson


An assistant or we can say a chatbot created using IBM watson

Chatbots are one of the most exciting and in-demand topics in tech. Gartner predicts that by 2020, 85% of businesses will have their own chatbot. If you want to learn this rapidly emerging technology, put a chatbot on your own website or make money by building chatbots for clients, this free chatbot course is for you. This course provides a practical introduction on how to build a chatbot with Watson Assistant (formerly Watson Conversation). Within it, you'll learn how to plan, build, test, analyze, and deploy your first chatbot. Leveraging the AI power of Watson Assistant, you will be able to design your own chatbot without the need to write any code. You'll also learn how to quickly deploy your chatbot on WordPress-based sites. And if you build sites for customers, this course will present you with a special offer and a unique opportunity to partner with IBM! Learn how to make money by applying AI to better serve your customers' needs (a great way to distinguish your business).

IBM CHATBOT : What chatbots are and why they are revolutionary; What Watson Assistant (formerly Watson Conversation) is and how you can leverage its AI capabilities; The key principles of good chatbot design; How to create your own chatbot without the need to write any code; How to deploy your chatbot on WordPress sites; A special offer to partner with IBM if you intend to build chatbots for customers.

this chatbot created uses minimum code its entirely based on:

  1. intents 2)dialouge 3)entities

try out various other courses and project in https://cognitiveclass.ai/