
A decentralized distributed sports investing application

Primary LanguagePython

MPCS 56600 - Introduction to Blockchain -- Team Project

TEAM MEMBERS: Akash Goyal, Yilun Hu, Zhihuang Chen, Jae-Yeun Hwang


NOTE: Please execute the program using Python3.6



a) MagicCoins - The name of the CryptoCurrency is 'MagicCoins'. - The smallest unit is called: 'quidditch'. - 1 MagicCoin = 1000 quidditch

b) Application Name

  • The name of our application is "Magic Contract Maker"
  • We fully recognize that this is an absolutely terrible name, but our powerpoint template had the word "Magic" on every slide. Application name will definitely be changed in version 2.0. lol

c) Docker Images

  • cahuanger/magic_power:infinity image was zipped and uploaded to the directory "/stage/MPCS56600/zhihuangc"

  • You can both download and unzip the files or just download it from dockerHub.

d) Source Codes (Python 3.6)

- The python codes are inside the "src" directory.
    1) DNS_SEED.py : DNS_SEED server codes.
    2) FullNode.py : FULL_NODE client/server codes.
    3) regstrar.proto : DNS_SEED server protocol.
    4) full_node.proto : FULL NODE client/server protocol.
    5) other files: automatically generated files from gRPC.

- The python codes for MagicCoin crypto-currency are inside the "src/MagicCoin/" directory.
    1) python codes for BlockChain class: "MC_BlockChain.py"
    2) python codes for Block class: "MC_Block.py"
    3) python codes for Header class: "MC_Header.py"
    4) python codes for Transaction class: "MC_Transaction.py"
    5) python codes for TxnMemoryPool class: "MC_TxnMemoryPool.py"
    6) python codes for Output class: "MC_Output.py"
    7) python codes for Minder class: "MC_Miner.py"
    8) python codes for User class: "MC_User.py"
    9) python codes for Contract class: "MC_Contract.py"
    10) python codes for ContractMemoryPool class: "MC_ContractMemoryPool.py"

a) Start 1 docker container with cahuanger/magic_power:infinity image and name it DNS_SEED.

b) In terminal (for example):

$ docker run -it --hostname dns_seed --name DNS_SEED cahuanger/magic_power:infinity /bin/bash

it should download the image from dockerHub automatically.

c) In the container, cd into "Blockchain_Final_Project" directory:

$ cd Blockchain_Final_Project

d) In the container's "Blockchain_Final_Project" directory:

$ python DNS_SEED.py

e) You should see a message that says:

... Start DNS SEED server ...

a) Start 3 docker containers with FULL_NODE image and name each of them FULL_NODE_1, FULL_NODE_2, FULL_NODE_3.

b) In terminal (for example, for FULL_NODE_1), type this command to start the container(i is the ith container):

$ docker run -it --hostname full_node_i --name FULL_NODE_i --link DNS_SEED:dns_seed cahuanger/magic_power:infinity /bin/bash
- IMPORTANT NOTE: Need to link each of the FULL_NODE containers with the DNS_SEED container.

c) In the container, cd into "Blockchain_Final_Project" directory:

$ cd Blockchain_Final_Project

d) In the container's "Blockchain_Final_Project" directory:

$ python FullNode.py

e) You should see a message that looks something like:

Full Node IP Address:

a) When a node joins the network, if it is the first node to join, then it receives a null response from the DNS_SEED server, otherwise it receives the ip address of the latest registered node from the DNS_SEED server.

b) Each of the node that joins the network initiates handshake with every other node in the network exactly once.

c) When a node joins the network, it receives the missing blocks of the blockchain from the latest-registered node. This ensures that the blockchain become eventually consistent for all of the nodes in the network.

d) New blocks are only allowed to be added to the BlockChain only if the previous header hash values are equivalent.

e) Each contract (or proposed bet) is either randomly generated by the computer (for purpose of testing in this assignment), or generated by a user through the web interface. Every contract that is generated is propagated throughout the network, so that other users can view games to bet on.

f) Each contract generates two transactions, one transaction going from the acceptor to the poster and the other transaction going from the poster to the acceptor. Both of these transactions are propagated throughout the network and saved in each node's transaction memory pool.

g) After a contract's result has been verified (after a contract's check_result_time), only one of the two transactions will be deemed as valid and that contract will be added to the "valid transaction memory pool". Only the transactions in the "valid transaction memory pool" will be added to the blocks that are being mined.

h) When a node receives a transaction from another node, if the transaction already exists in the node's transaction memory pool, the node discards the transaction. But if the transaction is new to the receiving node, then the node adds the transaction to its memory pool and broadcasts the transaction to other nodes.

i) When a node mines a new block, it broadcasts it to every other node in the network.

j) When a node receives a new block, it matches the block_hash value and adds the block to the blockchain.

k) When a node receives a new block and adds it to its blockchain while mining its own separate block, the node will immediately start mining a new block again.

l) When a node receives a new block and adds it to its blockchain, all the valid transactions that was included in the new block will be removed from the node's local "valid transaction memory pool".


Currently supported functionalities include

  1. Creating a contract
  2. Viewing all contracts
  3. Viewing current blockchain
  4. Viewing details of individual transactions

In the future we plan to implement the "accept_bet" web functionality, as well as spending more time focusing on the design of the website (using CSS)

The command for running a web application:

  1. Open a new terminal, then run(assume you open at most 3 full nodes now)
$ docker run -it -p 5000:5000 --hostname full_node_4 --name FULL_NODE_4 --link DNS_SEED:dns_seed cahuanger/magic_power:infinity /bin/bash
$ cd Blockchain_Final_Project
$ python FullNode.py
  1. Open another terminal, run:
$ docker exec -it FULL_NODE_4 /bin/bash
$ cd Blockchain_Final_Project
$ python web_app.py
  1. Now open the browser you like, type: