1. Appending insted of writing 2)Difference between file.Write() and io.WriteString()
  2. what is json.Marshal 4)Test cases for the code

Function: getDetailsofthePing Purpose: This function is used to send ICMP Echo Request (ping) packets to a specified IP address and collect the ping statistics and latency details.


ipaddress (string): The IP address to which the ping packets are sent. count (int): The number of ping packets to send. Returns: A models.Response object containing the results of the ping operation.


The function executes the ping command with the provided ipaddress and count as arguments. If the ping command fails, it logs the error to a file named "faillog.txt" and returns a models.Response object indicating the IP address is not valid.

If the ping command is successful, the function parses the output to extract details like the number of packets transmitted, received, packet loss, and latency details (min, avg, max, mdev). These details are then used to create a models.Response object which is returned by the function.

If any of the expected details are missing in the ping command output, it logs an error message and returns a models.Response object indicating the IP address is not valid.

func getDetailsofthePing(ipaddress string, count int) models.Response { // function body }

Function: Statistics Endpoint: /api/v1/ip-address/test

Purpose: This function is the handler for the /api/v1/ip-address/test endpoint. It receives a JSON request containing an IP address and a count, performs a ping operation to the given IP address, logs the result to a file, and sends back the ping statistics and latency details as a JSON response.


w (http.ResponseWriter): An HTTP ResponseWriter interface for sending the response. r (*http.Request): An HTTP Request object containing the request details. Details:

The function first sets the response header's content type to application/x-www-form-urlencode and allows POST methods. If the request body is empty, it sends a response with "num-failed".

The function then tries to decode the request body into a models.Request object. If this fails, it sends a response with "num-failed".

If the decoding is successful, the function calls getDetailsofthePing with the IP address and count from the request. It then marshals the response from getDetailsofthePing into JSON and writes it to a file named "successlog.txt".

Finally, the function sends the response from getDetailsofthePing as a JSON response.

func Statistics(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // function body }

Function: Handle_test_ip Purpose: This function is a handler for an HTTP endpoint. It uses goroutines and channels to perform concurrent operations, specifically, it pings an IP address, logs the result, and updates a database record.


w (http.ResponseWriter): An HTTP ResponseWriter interface for sending the response. r (*http.Request): An HTTP Request object containing the request details. Details:

The function starts by creating a WaitGroup and three channels: checkersChan for ping results, newIDChan for job IDs, and errorChan for errors. The WaitGroup is used to ensure that all goroutines finish before the function returns.

The function then checks if the request body is empty. If it is, it sends a response with "no data " and returns.

Next, the function tries to decode the request body into a models.Request object. If this fails, it sends the error to errorChan and returns.

The function then starts three goroutines:

The first goroutine pings the IP address from the request and logs the result. It then sends the result to checkersChan.

The second goroutine creates a job with the IP address from the request and sends the job ID to newIDChan. It also sends a response with the job ID.

The third goroutine waits for a job ID from newIDChan and a ping result from checkersChan. It then updates a database record with the job ID and the ping result. If any error occurs, it sends the error to errorChan.

After starting the goroutines, the function waits for all of them to finish using wg.Wait(). It then closes errorChan and checks if there is any error in it. If there is, it sends the error as a response and returns.

func Handle_test_ip(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // function body }

Function: final_ip_job Purpose: This function is used to create a new job in the database for an IP measurement task. It sets the job's properties, inserts it into the database, and updates its state to success if the insertion was successful.


check (models.Job): A Job object to be inserted into the database. Returns: A Job object with the ID assigned by the database if the insertion was successful, or an empty Job object if it was not.


The function first sets the Created, JobType, and State properties of the check object. It then appends check to the wadu slice (the purpose of this slice is not clear from the provided code).

The function then prepares an SQL query to insert a new job into the jobs table. If a job with the same Name already exists, the query does nothing. The query returns the ID of the inserted job.

The function executes the query with the properties of the check object as parameters and scans the returned ID into newID. If an error occurs, it prints a message and returns an empty Job object.

If newID is not zero (which means the insertion was successful), the function sets the ID of check to newID, appends check to wadu again, and updates the State of the job in the database to JOB_STATE_SUCCESS. If an error occurs during the update, it panics and prints a message.

Finally, the function prints check and returns it. If newID was zero, it returns an empty Job object.

func final_ip_job(check models.Job) models.Job { // function body }