Bench PySpark

A collection of simple utility programs to benchmark different PySpark scenarios


Module to benchmark different scenarios related to get or create PySpark session


  1. spark-submit adds tiny 2s overhead
  2. spark-submit will not create session in the background. It waits till first getOrCreate call is made
  3. Even if ran with python total time equals spark-submit + first getOrCreate call
  4. First call for getOrCreate in a spark-submit takes time, next calls are instant
  5. Stopping session and creating new using stop then getOrCreate takes approximately 80% of time to the initial getOrCreate
  6. When trying to run with more RAM, initial call will take more time and spark-submit overhead also increases. Although this does not seem to impact subsequent get or create calls too once spark is initialized


  • Test in cluster mode
  • Test start in client mode stop and start in cluster mode. vice versa