
Simple NodeJS module for detecting cycles in directed graphs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status NPM version

This is a simple directed graph lib, mostly just for checking if a directed graph contains a cycle. It uses Tarjan's algorithm for checking if the graph contains a cycle.

This library also has some very basic Graphviz support for visualizing graphs using the DOT language.


Note: as of v1.0.0 this library requires node >= v8.0.0. Use v0.3.0 for node < v8.0.0.

npm install tarjan-graph


Here's how you would generate the following graph (red boxes indicate a cycle):

Dat Graph

const Graph = require('tarjan-graph');

const graph = new Graph()
  .add('a', ['b', 'c'])
  .add('b', ['d', 'e'])
  .add('c', ['b'])
  .add('d', ['e'])
  .add('e', ['c'])
  .add('f', ['c', 'a', 'g'])
  .add('g', ['h', 'i'])
  .add('h', ['j'])
  .add('i', ['j'])
  .add('j', ['f']);

Doing stuff with cycles:

// [ 
//   [ { name: 'b', successors: [...] }, { name: 'e', ... }, ... ], 
//   ... 
// ]

//use addAndVerify() instead of add() to throw an error when adding
//an edge would create a cycle

Doing stuff with SCCs:

//same as graph.getCycles() except includes "cycles" of length 1


//depth-first search (pre-order)
graph.dfs('g', (v) => {
  console.log(v.name + ': ' + v.successors.map(w => w.name).join(', '));
g: i, h
h: j
j: f
f: g, a, c
c: b
b: e, d
d: e
e: c
a: c, b
i: j

//retrieve descendants
//[ 'b', 'd', 'e', 'c' ]

And of course, dat dot:

digraph {
  subgraph cluster0 {
    b; e; c; d;
  subgraph cluster1 {
    g; i; j; f; h;
  b -> e
  b -> d
  c -> b
  a -> c
  a -> b
  d -> e
  e -> c
  g -> i
  g -> h
  f -> g
  f -> a
  f -> c
  h -> j
  i -> j
  j -> f