- Creating a database.
- Inserting a data to the meomory RAM
- Accessing the data --> List all, get one, and where conditions
- Able to update one or many data
- Able to detete the database
First Create Common command database where list of database is stored, 1.a Each database will contain schema_meta, index_meta files --> These files will contain the structure for table.
If yes, create an entry if the database exists. Each database is a single file
Writing to common command database is immidiately and remaining databse entry is batchified --> First comple incremental database entry to the database
Incremental: a. If incremental, all the changes are directly written in the database b. The files are encoded before sending it back to client,
All the operation will go to engine as an oplog code --> database, collection, command
Create Basic CRUD operation (Done) Create Batch and incremental flush Basic Structure (Done) Crate Machanism for writing data to file --> Secodary Storage (Done) Load and upload data from secondary storage to main memory and vice versa (Done) Make serach more capable --> implement trie algorithm for searching a key
- Create a basic structure to store data in structure and store it as a file
- A parser to understand the file and reach to a specific part of the file
- For starter work on key value pair. This will be synced directly
- How Databases knows which part of file to access when knowing the row number. Do they store the pointer seperately ? --> We know for each column how much data to take to store the data --> int32 --> 32bit, float32 --> float32 etc use this as hint for knowing the pointer position
- Should the database be row based or column based ? --> If column based, then how the datas will be stored in files. internally, do we need to store the mapping ? --> Does column based database needs more amount of space then the row based database ? --> Row based database. --> How does the sharding works in cloumn based database (Question for lateron) --> Seek generally takes constant amout of time for ssd --> Thus seeking to specific part of file and then taking data