Inbox smart contract is a advance Hello World version of solidity smart contract. It is like a boiler plate for writing smart contracts along with it's test cases.
- Basic inbox smart contract with constructor and two get, set functions
- Compiling smart contract using solc library to generate abi & bytecode.
- Deploying smart contract on ganache to execute test cases written using Mocha.
- Deploying smart contract on Infura platform using trufflle, metamask & Node JS
Inbox Smart Contract uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Solidity
- Web3
- Node JS
- Mocha
- Solc
- Ganache
- Truffle
- Metamask
Dillinger requires Node.js v17+ to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
cd inbox
npm i
To run test cases
npm test
To deploy smart contract on Infura
node deploy.js