
A java and javafx based project for management of library

Primary LanguageJava


A java and javafx based project for management of library

This is an java and javafx GUI(graphical user interface program) for Managing the Library The above is with very basic functionality There is lot's to improve And You are most welcome to do This will be very fun and learning experience for you and as well as me Feel free to give suggestion I will be very happy to learn something from you :)"

Way to proceed

  1. FORK the project from the tab next to Star Icon
  2. Then Goto your repos download it locally
  3. Feel Free to modify the code
  4. At last Don't forget to push the code by creating a new Branch

Don't forget to Create new branch and then make a pull request I'll mentions your contributions if the improvements are proper

Tools used

  1. Core Java
  2. Javafx
  3. FXML
  4. Scene Builder (DRAG and Drop for ui management)
  5. eclipse or any javaIDE
  6. jdk11+

for reference of GUI check Images Folder or you can refer to https://youtu.be/02HJ094B1-I


1. add Member to library

2. add Books to library

3. view book in library

4. view members in library

5. issue books to members

6. renew the book

7. return or submit the book

8. search for the member who has taken a particular book