- left
- right
- up
- down
- clear
- stop
- fast
- slow
**internet access required for speech recognition
var recognition = new webkitSpeechRecognition(); //create speech recognition object
//set speech recognition language
recognition.lang = "en-GB";
//continous mode means the object keeps recognizing speech
recognition.continuous = true;
//interimResults means the object will report (i.e. fire its
// onresult() callback) more frequently, rather than at pauses
// in microphone input. this gets you quicker, but less accurate,
// results.
recognition.interimResults = true;
// resultString:
// the 'transcript' of the most recently recognized speech as a simple
// string.
recognition.onresult = function() { //function to trigger when speech is detected
recognition.start(); //starts speech recognition engine