Blog Analytics and Search Tool

A Node.js and Express.js application that provides blog analytics and search functionality using data from a third-party blog API. This tool calculates statistics about the blogs, including the total number of blogs, the longest title, the number of blogs with "privacy" in the title, and provides a search feature to find blogs based on specific queries.


  • Fetches blog data from a third-party API.
  • Calculates and provides statistics about the blogs.
  • Offers a search functionality to find blogs based on query parameters.
  • Implements error handling for various scenarios.
  • Caches analytics and search results to improve performance.

Getting Started

Follow the instructions below to set up and run the project on your local machine.


  • Node.js (version 14 or higher)
  • npm (Node Package Manager) or yarn


Clone the repository:

git clone
cd subspace-blog-analysis

Install the dependencies:

npm install
# or
yarn install


  1. Start the Express.js server:
npm start
# or
yarn start
  1. The server will be running on http://localhost:3000 by default.

  2. Use a tool like Postman or a web browser to access the API endpoints (see API Endpoints).

API Endpoints

  • /api/blog-stats (GET): Fetch blog statistics.
  • /api/blog-search (GET): Search blogs based on query parameters.


Returns statistics about the blogs, including the total number of blogs, the title of the longest blog, the number of blogs with "privacy" in the title, and an array of unique blog titles.

curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/api/blog-stats -H "admin-secret: YOUR_SECRET"


Accepts a query parameter, e.g., /api/blog-search?query=privacy. Searches for blogs containing the specified query (case-insensitive) in their titles.

curl -X GET "http://localhost:3000/api/blog-search?query=privacy" -H "admin-secret: YOUR_SECRET"

Error Handling

The project handles various types of errors, including network errors, data retrieval errors, validation errors, and more. Custom error messages are provided to improve user experience.


The project utilizes Lodash's memoize function to cache analytics and search results for a certain period. This helps reduce server load and improves response times for repeated requests with the same data.

Made with ❤️ by Akash Roy