
In this project, you'll create an interactive registration form for "FullStack Conf." Using the supplied HTML and CSS files, you'll use JavaScript to enhance the form by adding interactivity. You’ll also make the form more user-friendly by providing helpful error messages when the user enters invalid information into the form fields. You can use plain JavaScript or jQuery –– it's up to you!

This project is a great way for you to practice fundamental JavaScript skills. It also gives you a simple interactive portfolio project you can use to show off your understanding of JavaScript. Forms are a large part of any web application, so learning how to make them easy-to-use, interactive and responsive is a task worth mastering.

Exceeds Expectations

  1. Used jQuery event listeners (onChange -> KeyUp) to prevent users from leaving name field blank, valid email and credit card fields.
  2. Introdocued conditional logic for shirt selection eliminating some choices that cannot be offered due to attendee choosing different events