Assignment Submission: In-Memory File System



Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Python 3.6 or higher
  • pip for Python package management
  • Access to a terminal or command line interface

Additional requirement

  • Before installing the project, ensure you have setuptools installed, as it is required for the installation process.
pip install setuptools


1. Clone the Repository

git clone
cd inito-task

2. Install the Package

Navigate to the directory containing and run the following command to install the package and its dependencies:

pip install .

Running the Project


Running Unit tests


Project Description

Using the project

  1. To create a new directory:
mkdir directoryname
  1. To change directories use following options:
cd directoryname
cd ~
cd /
cd ..
  1. To list contents in a directory:
  1. To search within files: grep "pattern" filename.txt
grep -i pattern filename
grep -c pattern filename
grep -n pattern filename
grep -v pattern filename
  1. To display the contents of a file:
cat filename
cat -n filename
  1. To create a new file:
touch filename
  1. To write to a file: echo "text" > filename.txt
 echo "text" > filename
  1. To move or rename a file/directory:
mv source target
  1. To copy a file or directory: cp source target
cp source target
  1. To remove a file or directory:
rm filename

Function for each command

  1. mkdir: It is implemented in function - create_folder. The os.makedirs("file_name") is used to create new folder. Errors like "file exists" or "no file name given" errors are checked.
  2. cd: It is implemented in function - change_path. The function os.chdir(path) is used. Use cases like ".." to go to parent directory, "~" or "/" to go to root directory and absolute path are considered. Errors like "invalid path" are checked.
  3. ls: It is implemented in function - list_directory_contents. The function os.listdir() is used. The error like invalid commands are checked.
  4. grep: It is implemented in file Total four variation are implemented those are:- -n -i -v -c.
  5. cat: It is implemented in function display_file_contents. It is implemented using function. Use cases like cat filename.txt and cat -n filename.txt (Read file content with line number) is considered. Errors like "file does not exist" are checked.
  6. touch: It is implemented in function - touch. It uses function open(filename, "x"). Cases like if file already exist is also considered.
  7. echo: It is implemented in function - write_to_file. It uses function open(filename, "a") to write to file. Use cases like retaining previous content in existing file and writing into empty file is considered.
  8. mv: It is implemented in function - move_file_or_directory. It uses function shutil.move(source, destination).
  9. cp: It is implemented in function - copy_file_or_directory. It uses function shutil.copy(source, destination).
  10. rm: It is implemented in function - remove_file_or_directory(). It uses os.remove() and os.rmdir() functions. Errors like file does not exist are accounted.


  1. test_mkdir: This test checks if a new directory gets created or not using mkdir command.
  2. test_mkdir_file_exists: This test tries to create an existing directory to check if correct error message is given.
  3. test_cd: This test checks if cd command is executed or not.
  4. test_cd_parent: This test checks if cd command takes back to parent directory when "cd .." command is given.
  5. test_touch: This test checks if touch command creates a new file.
  6. test_echo: This test checks if echo command writes new text to the empty file.
  7. test_echo_append: This test checks if the original content is maintained or lost after execution of echo command.
  8. test_rm_file: This test checks if a file is removed or not after execution of rm command.
  9. test_rm_folder: This test checks if a directory is removed or not after execution of rm command.
  10. test_cat: This test checks if cat command read properly from the file or not.
  11. test_mv: This test checks if mv command moves a file to destination folder.