Hi 👋, I'm Rajdeep Sengupta, Welcome to My GitHub Profile


  • 🌱 Currently Working on DocuComb.

  • ✨ Pursuing B.tech in Computer Science and Engineering.

  • 👨‍💻 All of my projects are available at my Portfolio

  • 💬 Looking for Collaboration in Linkedin Rajdeep Sengupta

  • 📫 Reach me at rajdipgupta019@gmail.com

Connect with me:

Rajdeep Sengupta #8855

Languages :

cplusplus html5 css3 javascript #8855 #8855

FrameWorks and Libreries :

bootstrap tailwind tailwind nextjs nextjs nextjs nextjs nextjs nextjs nextjs nextjs nextjs nextjs nextjs nextjs nextjs nextjs nextjs nextjs nextjs nextjs nextjs

Tools :

Aritra's GitHub activity graph