
You found a secret! ishandeveloper/ishandeveloper is a ✨special ✨ repository that you can use to add a README.md to your GitHub profile. Make sure it’s public and initialize it with a README to get started.

I make elegantly professional 🌍 web apps, 💻.NET apps and 📱 flutter apps for a living and also design user experiences 🎨

  • ✈️ Hire me for remote work & internships
  • 💼 Do read my resume here: resume.ishandeveloper.com
  • 🎓 Pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering
  • 📚 Reading more about Linus Torvalds, Harry Potter and how the computer works.
  • ⛵ Encouraging people for open source collaborations
  • 🎉 Let's connect on LinkedIn
  • 📭 contact@ishandeveloper.com
  • ✍🏻 I write my personal thoughts on Programming & Tech on on my Personal Blog

🕵 Take a look at my repositories and let's get in touch!

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