
GrowSkill is an e-learning platform offering live courses in Baking, Makeup, and Handicrafts. Users can enroll, pay, attend classes via Zoom, access recordings, and download certificates.

Primary LanguageJava

GrowSkill Project


The GrowSkill project is a platform for online courses where users can enroll in various courses, instructors can create and manage courses, and payments can be processed for course enrollments.

Technologies Used

  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Data JPA
  • Hibernate
  • MySQL
  • Lombok
  • Jackson
  • Maven

Project Structure

The project is structured into several packages:

  • com.GrowSkil.controller: Contains controllers for handling HTTP requests.
  • com.GrowSkil.entity: Contains entity classes representing database tables.
  • com.GrowSkil.exception: Contains custom exception classes.
  • com.GrowSkil.repository: Contains repositories for database operations.
  • com.GrowSkil.service: Contains service interfaces and implementations.

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Make sure you have JDK and Maven installed.
  3. Create a MySQL database and update the database configuration in application.properties.
  4. Run mvn clean install to build the project.
  5. Run the Spring Boot application using mvn spring-boot:run or by running the main class GrowSkillApplication.


  • /courses: CRUD operations for courses.
  • /enrollments: Endpoint for enrolling users in courses.
  • /instructors: CRUD operations for instructors.
  • /payments: Endpoint for processing payments.
  • /classes: Endpoint for managing training classes.
  • /users: CRUD operations for users.


  1. Use the provided services to manage courses, enrollments, payments, instructors, classes, and users.