#purpose This repo contains the source code to build a Chinese turn-based dialogue corpus and produces the output in xml format. Course Work for Comp551 Applied Machine Learning at McGill University


The parser depends on jsoup-1.10.3.jar. The R code needs library ggplot2



All the URLs related to economics or economy were crawled via python script using HTML and CSS selectors. Input: Primary_URL to be placed in self.crawl method Output: List of URLs that acts as an input to the parser


Set the filename in line 31 of parser/main.java to be the name of the url file. The name of the url file should starts with "url". Each line of that file should be a url.


Copy the output files of the parser to cleaner folder. Run parser/main.java to get the final corpus (final_corpus.txt) and the statistical data (final_stats.txt and pp_stats.txt). Meanwhile, you can get remove_map.txt which records how many utterances are filtered because of a specific keywords and delete.log which records each deleted utterance are deleted because of which keyword.

Statistical Graph Generator

chmod +x stats.R && ./stats.R