

Faker_elasticsearch is a conda package that you can use to generate and store fake data in your elastic search server.


Use the package manager conda to install faker_elasticsearch.

conda install -c fakt faker_elasticsearch


Step 1: Create a config file stating the configurations of the elasticsearch server.

Notice the schema of fake data documents is also a part of this config file. An example document schema is given in the config file below.

Sample config file:

es_url = "http://localhost:9200/"
index_name = "test_data"
index_type = "test_type"
batch_size = 1000
num_of_shards = 2
http_upload_timeout = 3
count = 100000
format = "name:str,address:words,country_code:country_code,acc_id:account_number,ip_address:ipv4,timestamp:ts"
num_of_replicas = 0
force_init_index = False
set_refresh = False
out_file = "test.csv"
id_type = None
dict_file = None
username = None
password = None
validate_cert = True
from faker_elasticsearch import elasticsearch_data
path_to_config = "es.config"  # path to the config file.

That's all, enjoy!!!

Note: Currently supported field types are:

  • bool returns a random true or false
  • ts a timestamp (in milliseconds), randomly picked between now +/- 30 days
  • ipv4 returns a random ipv4
  • tstxt a timestamp in the "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000-0000" format, randomly picked between now +/- 30 days
  • int:min:max a random integer between min and max. If min and max are not provided they default to 0 and 100000
  • str:min:max a word ( as in, a string), made up of min to max random upper/lowercase and digit characters. If min and max are optional, defaulting to 3 and 10
  • words:min:max a random number of strs, separated by space, min and max are optional, defaulting to '2' and 10
  • dict:min:max a random number of entries from the dictionary file, separated by space, min and max are optional, defaulting to '2' and 10
  • text:words:min:max a random number of words seperated by space from a given list of - seperated words, the words are optional defaulting to text1 text2 and text3, min and max are optional, defaulting to 1 and 1


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please start contributing to unit tests. I will gradually update when I get the time.
