
A Grafana Loki client for Elixir

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

main Hex Hex Docs License Coverage Status


A client for pushing logs to Grafana Loki.


The package can be installed by adding sleipnir to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:sleipnir, "~> 0.1"}

Documentation may be found at https://hexdocs.pm/sleipnir.


The Sleipnir module contains functions for creating Loki requests from your data, based on Grafana's protobufs. The important parts are:

  • Entries: timestamped strings
  • Streams: collections of entries under a common set of labels.
  • PushRequests: collections of streams, all pushed to Loki as a single request.

Here's an example:

entries = [
  Sleipnir.entry("I am a log line"),
  Sleipnir.entry("I am another log line")
labels = [
  {"cluster", "ops-cluster-1"},
  {"namespace", "loki-dev"}
stream = Sleipnir.stream(entries, labels)
request = Sleipnir.request(stream)

To send the requests to Loki, Sleipnir includes a Tesla client that aims to provide sensible defaults.

client = Sleipnir.Client.Tesla.new("http://localhost:3100", org_id: "tenant1")

{:ok, %{status: 204}} = Sleipnir.push(client, request)

Customizing the Client

Custom clients can be implemented via the [Sleipnir.Client](lib/sleipnir/client.ex) protocol.

A default implementation is provided for the [Tesla.Client](/lib/sleipnir/client/tesla.ex) struct which zips the push request and sends it to the standard /loki/api/v1/push path.

Also included is the [Sleipnir.Client.Test client](lib/sleipnir/client/test.ex) which sends any requests pushed to it to the provided pid. Useful for testing without the need for bypass or Tesla.Mock.