
Adhoc Podcast Feed, this time with front end in angular 2

Primary LanguageHTML

Podcasts - Angular 2

My first Angular 2 app using a .NET backend.

Its the same as https://github.com/akatakritos/Podcasts except using Angular 2 instead of React.

Sometimes I see a post about a random podcast episode I'd like to listen to without subscribing to the whole feed. This site generates a custom feed of adhoc episodes. I just need to copy the MP3 download URL and paste it in. The server regenerates an RSS feed whenever my Podcast client refreshes.

Future enhancements might load the name of the episode and description from the media file id3 tags, or try to parse the episode page from the podcast's website.

statics contains the front end Angular 2 code.

In development mode and when UseWebpackDevServer is true in web.config, the server links to the webpack dev server for FE assets. This way live reloading is supported. Run npm start inside the statics folderto start the server.

In Production, assets are server from assets folder. Run npm run build in statics to compile assets and copy them to that folder.