
Primary LanguagePython

H2C is an import/export tool for Atlassian Confluence 

Project Page:



- Recursively exports from Sharepoint
- Recursively imports from Sharepoint
- Recursively recreates directory structures in Confluence.
- Recursively converts HTML to Textile and imports content.
- Recursively updates all links in converted content.
- Recursively loads attachemnts, including files > 8MB


python 2.6
lxml, http://pypi.python.org/pypi/lxml/2.3#downloads
libxml2, http://xmlsoft.org/python.html 
setuptools, http://peak.telecommunity.com/dist/ez_setup.py
python-ntlm, http://code.google.com/p/python-ntlm
PyDAV Client, http://www.infrae.com/download/railroad/pydavclient

Install Python 2.6:
Grab python-2.6.msi from 3rd party and install.

Install lxml:
Grab lxml-2.3.win32-py2.6.exe from 3rdParty and install it.

Install libxml2:
Grab libxml2-python-2.7.7.win32-py2.6.exe from 3rdParty and install.

Install setuptools:

Download http://peak.telecommunity.com/dist/ez_setup.py
run ez_setup.py

Install python-ntlm from 3rdParty:

gzip -d python-ntlm.tar.gz
tar xvf python-ntlm.tar
cd python-ntlm
sudo python setup.py install

Install PyDAV from 3rdParty:

gzip -d pydavclient-0.2.tar.gz
tar xvf pydavclient-0.2.tar
cd pydavclient-0.2
sudo python setup.py install

How to use H2C:

$ ./h2c.py

Usage: h2c.py [action] [https://servername.com] [login] [password] [confluence-space] [action specific options...]

  Where [action] can be one of the following:
   * import - import content to confluence
              specify additional parameters: [confluence-space] [local-source] [working-directory]
   * export - export content from webdav/sharepoint
              specify additional parameters: [confluence-space] [remote-path] [exported-data]

Example: ./htc.py import https://server.com user test spacename /source /converted

Example: ./htc.py export https://server.com:8443 user test spacename /remote/directory