
Express middleware for replaying a HAR archive of HTTP requests

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Express middleware for replaying a HAR archive of HTTP requests

Build Status


This middleware will let you create a server that replays requests captured in a HAR file.


npm install express-middleware-har-replay

const harreplayer = require('express-middleware-har-replay')
const app = express()
  match: 'somehost.com',
  har: require('./my-har.json')


  • har A plain JS object representing the contents of the HAR file.
  • match The host to match.

The match option will tell the middleware which requests to replay. For example, if your HAR file has captured a GET http://example.com/foo/bar/baz, we can replay this request by providing 'example.com' as our match option, and later, dispatching a GET request to http://localhost:8080/foo/bar/baz.


  • Publish ES5 code so it works on older versions of Node.
  • More control over which requests to replay and how.
  • Handle multiple requests to the same endpoint with different responses.