
HyperTerm autolink extension

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Extension for Hyper that automatically links URLs.



Install Hyper and add hyperlinks to plugins in ~/.hyper.js.

  • Focus on the Hyper window and Ctrl + C to abort opening url.
  • Hold Command key and click a link to open it within Hyper (instead of in your default browser).

Customizing styles

Add custom styles to termCSS in your ~/.hyper.js.

termCSS: `
  x-screen a {
    color: blue;

  x-screen a.hover {
    text-decoration: none;


Setting for open a link in default browser

Open in default browser when click a link. If holding Meta(Command) key then a link open in the Hyper.

Default is true.

e.g.) Add below config to the .hyper.

config: {
  hyperlinks: {
    defaultBrowser: false