
Web UI for inspecting XTDB database

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT


test workflow

Web UI for inspecting XTDB database


Browsing documents and showing history:

Demo screen recording of document browsing

Query viewer and saved queries:

Demo screen recording of queries


To simply try it out, start repl with :dev alias:

Other way is to embed in an existing web application that uses XTDB. The xtdb-inspector.core/inspector-handler returns a ring handler. See monitoring below for config that needs to be added to the XTDB node.


To enable the UI access to the XTDB monitoring, configure the monitoring reporter in the XTDB node config:

:xtdb-inspector.metrics/reporter {}



  • Pretty print EDN values (better coloring and layout)


  • Add new page for transaction log
  • Document view can expand linked docs inline


  • FIXED Attribute name in URL is encoded, so attributes with URL characters (like ?) work
  • Add convenience button to document page to copy the doc id to clipboard


  • Tables now have filtering and ordering
  • Attribute values page limits to 100 items (with button to fetch more)
  • Remember last run query in editor page


  • Add java.time.Instant display and editing
  • Allow adding new attributes and creating documents


  • Better display end edit non-EDN values (java.time types)


  • Add top bar navigation with search. Can query lucene index to find docs.
  • Directly navigate to saved query by name (/query/<query name>) to load it
  • New attribute page that shows attributes and their values
  • Document page can now do simple edits to the values